Overview of Model Investing

Access to better decision support tools is changing the face of investing.

It’s allowing non‐professional investors to benefit from the latest developments in computer automation and
statistical analysis. We’re proud to be on the leading edge of this shift in investment philosophy.


What drives asset prices?

For many years, the mantra of buy-and-hold dominated the investment landscape. However, changes in
the nature and composition of financial markets have driven the need for a more tactical approach.

Research has demonstrated that the economy moves in predictable cycles (referred to as the business
cycle) that exert a strong influence on asset prices. This natural ebb and flow impacts the value of
different types of investments, which in turn affects the value of your portfolio.

Nowadays, investors must have an acute understanding of where we are in the business cycle to
determine the proper allocation mix.

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Our Service

Our team has developed four proprietary, rules-based investment models that provide recommended portfolio allocations as economic conditions change. Our models are based on years of academic research and represent a cutting-edge approach to investing.

Two of the models are designed for those investing primarily through employer sponsored retirement accounts.

The other two models are designed to help investors manage their taxable accounts, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and other restrictive accounts such as 529 (college savings) plans.

All of our models have built-in logic to recognize deteriorating market conditions and move to a position of safety ahead of treacherous market declines. During the two most recent bear markets, the dot-com collapse and the financial crisis, many investors lost significant wealth as the economy deteriorated. Our models moved to cash in the early stages of these events, preventing significant losses. When the markets began to recover, each model strategically reentered the market to take advantage of rising asset prices.

Our investment models provide updated portfolio allocations on a monthly basis. Updated recommendations are available on the last trading day of each month. Subscribers are encouraged to immediately update their positions, with the understanding that model recommendations do not always change from one month to the next.

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Access to the right information at the right time is priceless.

Investing is the key to financial security and independence, and it begins with a sound strategy. Give Model Investing a try today and see for yourself the clarity, peace of mind and enhanced returns we can provide.

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