Investment Insights

  • Your Money is Your Second Business

    Man steering sailboat

    Have you ever wanted to be a business owner? Well, congrats … you already are. The minute you have even a few thousand dollars to your name, you’re officially a professional money manager running your own investment firm. Of course, you probably don’t see it that way, but that’s because you haven’t been enlightened yet. No one has ever spelled it out for you before. Well … it’s time to fix that.

  • Why Slowing Growth Means More Frequent Recessions

    Man hovering over a crystal ball with red arrow pointing down

    Whether we like it or not, the value of our portfolios depends heavily on the behavior of financial markets, which, in turn, are intertwined with the economy. Therefore, how and where we invest are dictated in large part by our expectations of future economic growth. As the U.S. and other G7 economies slow, it’s going to permanently change the investment landscape.

  • What Does Normal Stock Market Volatility Look Like?

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    Tune in to the stock market on any given day, and you’ll likely find the major averages zooming in one direction or the other. Sometimes the moves are choppy, rising and falling while generally heading nowhere, while other times the market can seemingly run for weeks or months in one direction.